BSides San Francisco (BSidesSF) is an Information Security conference that’s different. We’re a 100% volunteer-organized event, put on by and for the community, and we truly strive to keep information easily accessible.
Presenters at our conference are engaging our participants and getting the discussions started on the “Next Big Thing,” not preaching at you from the podium about last month’s news. There are no “attendees” at a BSides event. Everyone is a participant, adding something of value to the conversations.
Want to see what your peers are hard at work on? Come join us at the BSidesSF conference for two days of learning and fun with the Bay Area security community.
BSidesSF 2025 — Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th.
All tickets include breakfast and lunch both days, multiple drinks, and admission to the awesome Saturday Night Party!
Workshop slots are first come, first serve, so if you’re interested, sign-up via this registration page while seats are still available.
Check out our website at for additional details and to stay up-to-date on latest news.
A very special thanks to our sponsors, as without their generous contributions, this event would not be possible.
Have questions or need help with anything? Feel free to reach out to [email protected].